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Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology e.V. (INP) 
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 2 
17489 Greifswald

Phone: +49 3834 554 300 
Fax: +49 3834  554 301 

Legal Form

registered association 
association register number: VR 4323 
Stralsund district court
Sales tax ID: DE 137 584 418 
Tax number: 084/141/11875

Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board and Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Weltmann
Scientific Board Member: Prof. Dr. Dirk Uhrlandt
Scientific Board Member: Prof. Dr. Thomas von Woedtke

Disclaimer of liability

The con­tent of this web­site has be­en ca­re­ful­ly pre­pa­red and re­view­ed. Howe­ver, the Leib­niz In­sti­tu­te for Plas­ma Sci­ence and Tech­no­lo­gy (INP) does not gua­ran­tee the ac­cu­ra­cy, com­ple­ten­ess or qua­li­ty of the in­for­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded, or that it is up-to-date. Lia­bi­li­ty claims against the INP in re­spect of ma­te­ri­al or im­ma­te­ri­al da­ma­ge cau­sed by the use or non-use of the in­for­ma­ti­on of­fe­red or by in­ac­cu­ra­te or in­com­ple­te in­for­ma­ti­on are in prin­ciple ru­led out pro­vi­ded that the­re is no prova­ble cul­pa­ble in­tent or gross ne­gli­gence on the In­sti­tu­te's part.

Whe­re the INP pro­vi­des di­rect or in­di­rect re­fe­ren­ces (i.e. links) to ex­ter­nal web­sites, it is lia­ble on­ly if the In­sti­tu­te has pre­cise know­ledge of the con­tent and if it is tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble and re­a­sonable for it to prevent use in the event that they con­tain un­la­w­ful con­tent.
The INP her­e­by ex­press­ly sta­tes that the lin­ked web­sites had no il­le­gal con­tent when the links we­re set up. It has no in­flu­ence whatsoever on the cur­rent and fu­ture de­sign of the lin­ked sites and her­e­by dis­tan­ces its­elf ex­press­ly from any al­te­ra­ti­ons to the con­tent that we­re ma­de af­ter the links to tho­se sites we­re set up.

The INP is not re­s­pon­si­ble for the con­tent, avail­a­bi­li­ty, cor­rect­ness or ac­cu­ra­cy of the lin­ked sites or of the of­fe­rings, links or ad­ver­ti­se­ments ther­ein. It is not lia­ble for il­le­gal, in­cor­rect or in­com­ple­te con­tent or in par­ti­cu­lar for da­mages ari­sing from the use or non-use of the in­for­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded on lin­ked sites.

In all pu­bli­ca­ti­ons, the INP en­dea­vours to com­ply with ap­p­lica­ble co­py­rights. If, in spi­te of this, an in­frin­ge­ment of co­py­right should oc­cur, the INP will af­ter no­ti­fi­ca­ti­on re­mo­ve the re­le­vant ob­ject from its pu­bli­ca­ti­on or in­di­ca­te the ap­pro­pria­te co­py­right. All brand na­mes and trade­marks men­tio­ned wi­t­hin the In­ter­net of­fe­ring that are pos­si­bly pro­tec­ted by third par­ties are wi­thout li­mi­ta­ti­on sub­ject to the pro­vi­si­ons of the law on trade­marks and re­la­ted signs and the pro­per­ty rights of the re­gis­te­red ow­ners. The me­re fact that they ha­ve be­en men­tio­ned should not be ta­ken to me­an that trade­marks are not pro­tec­ted by third-par­ty rights.
The INP holds so­le co­py­right to the In­sti­tu­te's own con­tent at the www.​inp-greifswald.​de do­main. Re­pro­duc­tion of gra­phics or texts in other elec­tro­nic or prin­ted pu­bli­ca­ti­ons is not per­mit­ted wi­thout the In­siti­tu­te's ex­press con­sent.

Le­gal va­li­di­ty 
This dis­clai­mer of lia­bi­li­ty is to be re­gar­ded as part of the In­ter­net of­fe­ring from which you we­re re­fer­red to this pa­ge. Should parts or in­di­vi­du­al forms of wording in this text not, no lon­ger or not ful­ly com­ply with ap­p­lica­ble law, this does not af­fect the con­tent or va­li­di­ty of the re­mai­ning parts of the do­cu­ment.

Ex­ter­nal links 
For op­ti­mal in­for­ma­ti­on you will find links on our pa­ges to third par­ty sites. If such sites are not cle­ar­ly re­co­gnisa­ble, we in­form you that the site con­cer­ned is an ex­ter­nal link. INP has no in­flu­ence on the con­tent and lay­out of the­se sites and their pro­vi­ders. The gua­ran­tees of this da­ta pro­tec­tion de­cla­ra­ti­on do not ap­p­ly to the­se sites as a re­sult.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on and con­tacts 
If you ha­ve other ques­ti­ons re­gar­ding "Da­ta pro­tec­tion at INP", plea­se con­tact our web­mas­ter or our data security officer.